Moovit: All Transit Options

by TranzMate for iOS 16.4

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The Waze of public transport

Moovit is a community-powered app designed to help you while in transit. With its interactive map, route planner, real-time traffic data and info submitted by its users, Moovit is the ideal travel companion available for over 100 cities worldwide.

Say goodbye to crowded routes

Public transport– between the crowded subway, accidents, delays, strikes, network complexity, using public transport in big cities can be a gamble. The Moovit app developers know it’s never easy, and they created this app to offer everything you need to make your transit a little bit less stressful. Moovit is aimed at those who use public transport regularly, or not, and who want to make the most of it.

When using Moovit, you’ll have access to an interactive map similar to Google Maps that will show the subway, bus or train stops closest to you, with real-time information on timetables and routes. The app also lets you plan your trips by offering several options according to the mode of transport, departure time, or desired arrival. Moovit will also give you the fastest route and help you save time. You can always add routes to your favorites for quick access, as well as save places you visit often, such as your workplace.

Nothing original here, you might think, but what makes Moovit different is the community side of the app. It constantly receives info from its users to provide the most accurate information possible. Do you know of an even faster route? Let Moovit know and it’ll be listed in the future! An alert system is also available so that you can be the first to hear of any network disruptions and avoid using lines that are affected. This feature is very useful if you subscribe to the notifications for the lines you use most. Moovit’s special extra feature: the ability to see the next vehicle arrive on the map!

Accurate information

Moovit is very easy to use, thanks to a neat and ergonomic interface. You can quickly plan any trip by navigating through the different options.

For your day-to-day journey to and from work, Moovit is very accurate and includes the movement of your vehicle in real time on the map. The app adds real-time information from the operators and the users to make sure that the schedules are as accurate as possible.

A must for public transport users

As you may have guessed, Moovit might soon become indispensable for commuters, or even for those travelling to a new city. Whether you’re planning a trip, looking for the fastest route, or finding out if there are any disruptions, this Waze for public transport will give you all you need to make your commute a little easier.

Moovit transit app shows you the fastest, least-crowded route, every time based on real-time data. Check schedules, plan trips, and navigate public transport easily. Best of all, it’s free and powered by the crowd.

Moovit makes it easy to access real-time public transportation information:

• Live map: Press on stops & stations to see nearby lines. Check schedules & track your next vehicle as it arrives live on the map!

• Trip planner: Search for the fastest, least-crowded routes to your destination, across your favorite transit modes (bus, train, light rail, subway, ferry)

• On the go: Tap the best search result and hit “Navigate” to enjoy step-by-step guidance including walking segments. See your dynamic ETA, crowdsourced reports, and more.