Monitor Dolar Vzla IEX

by Kayrosware for Android 9.0

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Monitor Dolar Vzla IEX: The Ultimate Tool for Tracking Currency Rates

Monitor Dolar Vzla IEX is an Android app developed by Kayrosware that provides a comprehensive comparison of the dollar value according to various indicators, including 31 unofficial ones, such as AstroPay, Dólar Today, and LocalBitcoins. The app also offers a global average of these indicators. In addition, the app integrates 17 official exchange agents and Petro currency with daily quotes and a calculator for converting Petro to Bolivar.

Moreover, the app includes 13 strategic currencies, such as the Canadian dollar, the Chinese Yuan, the Euro, the Mexican peso, and the Turkish Lira, with their respective conversion calculators. Lastly, the app caters to the high demand for cryptocurrencies in Venezuela by including eight major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and Ripple, with their respective calculators and quotes.

The app is updated twice daily on weekdays, and it provides a personalized calculator for each indicator, currency, and cryptocurrency to ensure accurate conversions for users. Overall, Monitor Dolar Vzla IEX is a strategic and vital tool for tracking currency rates in Venezuela and beyond.