Missile Command 2018

by Intepix for Windows 10

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Relive an Arcade Classic in Missile Command 2018

Missile Command 2018 is an update of the arcade classic. The basic gameplay remains the same, but the graphics have been given a substantial overhaul.

Do You Remember Missile Command?

Many gamers who were around in the 1980s will have fond memories of Missile Command, one of the simple but addictive titles that defined the era. Well, that classic game is back once again for Missile Command 2018. The gameplay will be immediately familiar to anyone who remembers the original: as missiles descend from the sky, your job is to guide a target and blast them away before they hit any of the skyscrapers that run across the bottom of the screen. The game features hundreds of levels, with the backgrounds and building designs altering as you protect cities all around the world. Every so often a UFO will pass by; if you can shoot it down, you will earn extra points.

Find Out Why the Game is a Classic

Missile Command is one of the classic games that has truly stood the test of time, and so there is always room for an update. Missile Command 2018 gives the game a graphical overhaul but keeps the gameplay elements that made it a success in the first place.