Mini Golf 99 Holes Theme Park

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Thrills and spills on a crazy golf course

If regular golf just seems far too stuffy and serious for you then perhaps you should try mini golf. If there isn’t a mini golf course in your area then fear not because there’s a whole theme park of golfing craziness available to download onto your iPhone.

Mini Golf 99 Holes Theme Park is a colorful and fun crazy golf sim. This free version of the game only includes 9 of the 99 holes, but you can still get some decent gameplay out of it.

At first, Mini Golf 99 Holes Theme Park seems a little overly complicated. Rather than just hitting balls into holes, you also have to collect tickets and stars, enlist the help of special superheros to assist you on certain shots, teleport the ball by rolling over buttons, among other bizarre rules and features. The strangest thing of all is that it doesn’t even count the number of shots you’ve made on each hole. Instead, points are awarded depending on the shot count, tickets collected, walls bounced off of, etc.

Once you get used to the rather odd gameplay and scoring system (there are tutorial levels to help you with this), Mini Golf 99 actually proves to be a lot of fun. The holes are imaginatively conceived and don’t get repetitive. The graphics are colorful and varied, with a range of different wacky characters popping up to watch you play.

I wasn’t a big fan of the music in Mini Golf 99. In fact, I had to turn my headphones down after about three minutes because of the sheer annoyingness of the sickly, plinky plonky ‘tune’ that loops over and over. It’s a shame there isn’t an option to turn down the music and keep the sound effects, because they are quite fun.

I must note too, that the levels in Mini Golf 99 do seem to take an age to load, which quickly gets very irritating.

Although this ‘free’ version only offers a fraction of the number of holes available in Mini Golf 99, it provides an enjoyable way to waste a few minutes.