
by Mediagoblin for Windows 10

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A decentralized alternative to Flickr, SoundCloud and YouTube

MediaGoblin is a software media-publishing platform and it is free to use or adapt for your own needs. It allows you to share and show off your media without having to upload it to an image network, video network or sound network. If you have a little hosting or programming knowledge, then you may be able to deploy this system on Paas or containers on the servers you are using right now.

Share your content and media with this tool

MediaGoblin is powered by the community. Instead of relying on things such as YouTube, you may use this tool instead. The tool may be extended in a wide variety of ways, and you may free grab a copy of the coding so you may start making your own extensions right away. You may wish to add different video files to make them more compatible, or you may simply wish to change the way the interface looks when you install the program on your website. It is completely up to you because you may change the software and you don’t have to pay if you wish to change and use it yourself.

A great piece of software

The only problem with the MediaGoblin software is its aesthetic design. It was clearly designed by some very talented programmers, but they clearly have a very poor grasp of graphic design. The software interface and the developer’s website could have been beautifully designed, but it is very close to being ugly. Still, you should not let the lack of creative beauty stop you from using this tool. You may demonstrate your own creativity by uploading your media and showing it off.