
by Crystal Office Systems for Windows Vista

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Note Down Your Math Equations Quickly And For Free

Maple is the name of a bundle of educational programs. They are specifically geared towards math lessons and some of the hard sciences. The software on offer here is geared towards math but the developers (who are also called Maple) are frequently producing educational software for students and classrooms.

It Gives You A Quick Way To Write Equations

The Maple tool on offer for download here will allow you to write and draw mathematical equations graphs charts and drawings. Writing certain equations is impossible on word processor programs and it is tricky and time consuming on graphic-design programs. Maple allows you to enter your data and convert it into a visualization or you may enter your data and choose the correct equation-based symbols to add in.

Conclusion – Great For Math Students

If you are taking a math course or you need to visualize some of your results from your hard sciences classes then you may find this program very useful. Using this program is certainly quicker than trying to use any form of graphic design software and you may export what you have created to different file types so that you may add what you have created to your work and/or portfolio.

Useful tree-based document organizer.

Maple is a useful user-friendly outliner with built-in word processor that enables you to create your own hierarchical trees for storing information such as documents, notes, links, contacts, passwords, or photos.

The dual-window interface, with quick-action hot buttons and drag-and-drop support, facilitates the building of your tree. Selecting Add Node from the Tree menu creates a new ‘branch’ for your growing tree, which you can name or later rename. You can create unlimited nodes and sub-nodes and assign any document or image to each node. Clicking on the Delete Children button will delete all child nodes of a selected node. Choosing Collapse All or Expand All will expand or collapse your tree.

Maple imports and exports OPML, standard text files, Rich Text Format, Word doc and docx, Windows Write, Adobe PDF, and HTML files used by Microsoft Word and other word-processors.

Other options include complete control over text and tree appearance. Use any font installed on your system, control the font size and attributes. Onscreen you can quickly increase or decrease text size, add super- or subscript text, and change the text alignment (flush left, centered, or flush right). You can also quickly create numbered or bulleted lists, headers, footers and tables. Maple lets you create custom styles for your text – define a font, face, attributes, color, alignment, etc. – that lets you easily apply a style to specific text. Great for headers, captions, or entire paragraphs of text you need to distinctively separate.

Maple also has a built-in spell checker, and let you embed or link to images or files. Other features include changing the case of text to all upper or lower, and character map, font preview in the font selection window so you get a quick peek at what a font looks like, and print preview.