Manufacturing Extended Mod

by Kentington for Windows 10

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Manufacturing Extended Modpack by Kajman – More Scrap Output With Less Work

fterswim production is what I’m referring to when I talk about this mod for Fallout 4. This is a combination of several different mods that all contribute to making your whole industrial sector much more productive and efficient. This includes but is not limited to the following features: Faster construction, more researchable items, more advanced machine parts, and many more tweaks that will make the entire game much more challenging and exciting. This was created by the same guy who created the fantastic VATS mod for Fallout 3 and is well on his way to making a name for himself as one of the leading modders. I highly recommend using Improved Settlement Item Rewards for this mod.

Another great thing about Manufacturing Extended is the addition of a TONS of new items to the game! The TONS of new items include: Metal Fabricators, Fast Hopper Terminal, Tractor Scooters, Air compressors, Armor Plating, Armor Scrappers, and more. This mod adds tons of stuff for building! Some of the better mods include: The terminal mod which adds a faster hopper terminal to all terminals across the Commonwealth, making it much easier to get more research done in the early game. This mod also gives the player more power with the terminal so you should really look into this if you like being one with the big boys.

There are also some very good mods that actually add more value than just scrap output. One such mod provides you with scrap armor piece recipes for all of the combat machines in the game which can be used for many different things. Another great mod that adds in a lot of new machines like the plasma cutter and lathes that can be used to cut down many more types of metal than simply steel. And, of course, there are some extremely fun mods that give you extra resources and scrap output AND increased XP from doing jobs for the people around you. These mods are very well done and really make a difference in how much you enjoy playing the game. So, check them out if you want to max out your XP even more.