Wind powered platformer
Lost Winds is an action adventure port of the Nintendo Wii game for iOS.
The core gameplay combines platforming with puzzle solving using control of wind to help the Toku, the main character. You point him in the direction he needs to go and then use various types of wind to elevate him to higher platforms or defeat enemies.
The visuals in Lost Winds are very stylized and contain a distinct cartoon style realized in three dimensions. The overall look is impressive, but there were some issues with lag on older iOS devices. It did not break the experience of the game though.
Puzzles in Lost Winds are intuitive so you never feel like you are confused with what the game is asking you to do. As you earn more wind powers, the platforming of the game becomes much more interesting and fun to experience.
Lost Winds’ slow pace is great for players who are looking for an in-depth experience, but people looking for quick play will not have the same experience. It is great to see the port of Lost Winds perform well on iOS.
Lost Winds is a great family friendly platformer.