Loans Debts: Notepad

by FingerDev Studio for Android 9.0

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Manage Your Loans and Debts with Loans Debts: Notepad App

Loans Debts: Notepad is a free Android application developed by FingerDev Studio that allows users to manage their loans and debts easily and quickly. The app is designed for business and productivity, specifically for finance purposes. You can add or remove loans and debts, view the total information about the lending and borrowing, see and edit the history of money transactions, pay off the total sum by 1 click, calculate whole expressions, save backup on SD-card and Google Drive, and set password protection.

It is important to note that this app does not operate with real money. It is just a notebook for you to write your records about loans and debts in. The app is free, but you can enable the Pro-mode to get extra features such as Google Drive storage and password protection. Overall, Loans Debts: Notepad is a useful tool for anyone who needs to keep track of their loans and debts.