Discover The Universe By Mixing Items
Little Alchemy 2 is a cute and fun little puzzle video game you can play offline, wherein you try to discover all of the existing matter in the known universe by mixing stuff together—and figuring out how you’ll discover more! Coupled with the frequent hilarious combinations of some items and the vast collection’s funny descriptions on them, this is a quirky idle game that will get your logic and creativity going off in various directions.
Mix and Match
By its definition, Alchemy was an ancient branch of natural philosophy and was considered a form of chemistry. Alchemists had always tried to purify, improve, and perfect certain materials. Impossible stuff—like turning lead into gold or creating a philosopher’s stone—are just some of the fantastical things you have probably heard of about alchemy. While you can’t exactly do these things, chemistry is a close one to the subject and you can do really cool experiments in this branch of science. Even mere potion-making in video games is quite close to the practice of alchemy—and this is where Little Alchemy 2 gets much of its inspiration from.
The Power of Alchemy
Little Alchemy 2 is the improved version of Little Alchemy, available on Android, iOS, and your very own web browser. There are now more items and combinations available for you to discover in the game—and that’s what Little Alchemy is all about. You start off with the four basic elements known to man: air, earth, fire, and water. By continuously mixing and combining the various items you keep creating, you’ll discover more and more items that can be discovered through other combinations. Little Alchemy 2 is pretty simple in its gameplay but make no mistake—you can get stuck trying to think up of any possible combination or trying out every single combination in your ever-growing library of items. There are a few other functions to the game. You can easily clean up your workspace if it gets too crowded, check your encyclopedia for the item details, and even get some hints.
Can Be an Educational Tool
All in all, Little Alchemy is a small game at first glance, but it offers hours of fun gaming by merely figuring out and discovering different types of matter and funny object combinations. It helps that the art style is quite cute and relaxing and your progress can be tied to your Google account. If you want a puzzle that’s not too demanding when you’re offline, this is a highly recommended one.