
by Helicontech for Windows 2000

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LinkFreeze is a fast and easy solution to optimize dynamic or database-driven website for search engines. It optimizes dynamic links on your site by substituting all unwanted characters and making links look like static file links.

Most search engines don’t like dynamic content. They usually will not go deep indexing links with parameters, give such files much less pagerank or even refuse to crawl dynamic pages at all. The only difference between static and dynamic content is that links to dynamic files include question mark followed by a list of parameters, something like If you have online store, forum, or any other dynamically driven application and your site is full of such links it will be very hard to get this content indexed by search engines.

LinkFreeze can modify all these links making them look like an ordinary link to a static file. For example above link after applying LinkFreeze can look like Also note this will hide a technology your site is running on since there is no .asp file extension in the link anymore. All the substitutin characters and file extensions can be configured separately form a nice graphical user interface or text configuration.