LED Digital Clock Widgets

by DreamPuzzz for Android 9.0

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LED Digital Clock Widgets for android from DreamPuzzz

The app is a free, easy-to-use application that can be easily used by the user to display their phone’s time and date. We have made the app very easy to use for the users and we have included many options to customize the digital clock home screen widget app.

The digital clock home screen widget provides the user with a beautiful display of their phone’s date and time in different formats. We have also added many widgets that can be used by the user.

The user can also customize the clock widget in terms of design, by selecting the font color and the background color.

We have included the options to change the current time and date, the current year, the current month, the current day, the current time zone, and the current date.

This application can be used to show the phone’s time and date easily on the home screen.

This is a free app and will not cost the user any money.