LayerPaint Zero APK

by for Android 9.0

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LayerPaint Zero – A versatile drawing and image processing tool

LayerPaint Zero is a free multimedia application for Android developed by It is a versatile tool that can be used for illustration, image processing, memo, drawing, tracing, doodling, and more. The app comes with a range of features that allow users to create and manipulate images with ease.

The app features brush functions such as pen, eraser, watercolor, and airbrush, and layer functions such as adding, deleting, merging, and flipping layers. Clipping and opacity protection on the layer below are also available. The app allows users to work while flipping left/right view, and has the ability to save and delete hue ring palette and color palette. Additionally, the app offers undo and redo functionalities, and can save and load in MDP format which is compatible with FireAlpaca files.

One thing to note is that this is not a trial version of LayerPaint, but a limited version of LayerPaint HD. Overall, LayerPaint Zero is a reliable and useful tool for those looking for a drawing and image processing app on Android.