Landlord’s Super

by Yogscast Games for Windows 10

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Build homes in this simulator

Landlord’s Super is an indie game developed by Yogcast Games. This game is a first-person simulation game that features ambitious construction gameplay. Here, you will rebuild homes brick by brick and nail by nail.

Unlike other construction games, Landlord’s Super imitates realistic house building. You will mix your own cement and assemble your scaffolding instead of tapping premade materials. You will also plan and execute your actions around the time of the day, weather, and seasons. Moreover, you can choose to work or spend the day in the pub hanging out with a cast of local personalities and dodgy characters. 

What is Landlord’s Super?

Landlord’s Super is a first-person construction game that will have you build houses. It is set in the fictional country of West Berklands, which features the British Isles in the 1980s. It is localized in both American English and British colloquialism. Your job is to rebuild the community’s hope by rebuilding the homes in the city, or you can laze the day away in the pub. It’s up to you.

However, if you choose to work, you should know that building houses will not be an easy feat. You will have to do everything from ordering supplies to building the house. Additionally, unlike other house-building games, you will have to mix the cement or assemble your scaffolding to reach higher places yourself. You also have to build the walls brick by brick.

Additionally, you will plan and execute your actions around the time of day, weather, seasons, world events, and even union interference. You also have to think of your well-being. However, while it is very immersive, it requires a lot of grinding. It takes a lot of time to compete for tasks and get rewards. Moreover, prepare yourself for a few bug issues, including memory leaks and clipping.

Should you play it?

All in all, Landlord’s Super is a fun game if you are into construction. It has immersive gameplay with very challenging mechanics. The art style is also outstanding despite having low device requirements. However, it takes a lot of grinding before you can actually complete any of the houses you’re building. This is because you’ll be doing everything, not to mention that there are factors affecting your job.