Kerbal Space Program

by Squad for Mac OS X

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Build your own rocket and launch it into space!

Kerbal Space Program (KSP) is an innovative and fun game which challenges you to build a space rocket and launch it into space. It’s very much a user generated game that involves ultimately taking part in a space program with other users.

The main aim in KSP is to build a space-worthy craft, capable of flying it’s crew out into space, without killing them. At your disposal are a collection of parts, which must be assembled to create a functional ship. Each part has a different function and will affect the way a ship flies:

Kerbal Space Program allows players to design, build and pilot a space vehicle from pre-fab modules. These modules or parts include engines, fuel tanks, and wings and to make things more interesting, additional parts such as bombs, payloads and landing gear have been added to the game by players.

Some of the most notable features of KSP are:

  • The Vehicle Assembly Building which allows players to build spacecraft
  • Physics-based Flight Simulation for realistic flights
  • Accurate real-time distances . the Kerbal Planet is 600km in radius!
  • Mod-enabled so players can create new content and modify the game
  • At the moment there is only one planet – Kerbin – which you launch from and its moon, known as the Mün. There is also a sun called Kerbol. Kerbin and the Mün travel along an orbit, with Kerbin orbiting the sun and the Mün orbiting Kerbin thus emulating the Earth, Sun and Moon.

    Like Minecraft, Kerbal Space Program leaves a lot of room for imagination. Players can create almost anything which has lead to the creation of several mods for the game which allow vehicles and other craft to be added to the game.

    Kerbal Space Program has a small but thriving community of players although this looks set to expand as the developers plan to add more planets and moons, extra-vehicular activities and a space station. At the moment, Kerbal Space Program is free to play but it will eventually require payment to play once it has reached a higher level of development.

    Kerbal Space Program is a unique and fun game. If you’re a fan of Minecraft and have an interest in Space, you will particularly enjoy it.

    A completely overhauled terrain system. Much more stable and reliableFull joystick support and better input settingsThe improved R8 Winglet, which can respond to your input for better flight control


    • A completely overhauled terrain system. Much more stable and reliableFull joystick support and better input settingsThe improved R8 Winglet, which can respond to your input for better flight control