KB SSL Enforcer

by KB IT for Windows 8

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Free and open-source SSL encryption software for personal computers

KB SSL Enforcer is an effective software package which enables users to browse the Internet with greater levels of security. This can be a viable option during times when anonymity is an issue or when one may wish to keep their personal information away from potential threats such as phishing scams and similar types of malware. As this is an open-source application, there is no charge for it to be installed.

Main Applications and Functions

As the name suggests, KB SSL Enforcer maintains an effective digital firewall through the use of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption. It first will detect whether or not a site employs SSL. If it does, all subsequent information exchanges will be made with this type of secure encryption. In other words, data will no longer be sent over insecure connections. This can be beneficial during times when using an open network such as a public Internet hotspot.

Other Options

Users have the ability to set automatic SSL detection to manual, as this can speed up page loading times. All websites which support SSL will be cached so that they may be retrieved at a later date. As KB SSL enforcer in open source, updates will take place on a regular basis.