K-9 Harness — Tactical Body Armor and Backpack for Dogmeat Mod

by fadingsignal for Windows 10

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K-9 Harness – Tactical Body Armor and PvP Armor for Your Dog

K-9 Harness – Tactical Body Armor and Backpack for Dogmeat is a mod for The Elder Scrolls V: Dawn of the Ys release which improves upon the original mod by modders Narnia HD. It adds new perks and weapons, as well as improved melee &=gun skills and attributes, making dogbody armor for your dogs a lot more viable, durable and useful in combat situations. This mod is made by K-9 armors and Tactics Team. This mod also has a companion mod, which is made by K-9 Armors & Tactics – Fall of Giants, which also improves upon the original mod’s features.

The main difference between this version and the original is that it includes the Dogmeat Armor perk, which allows you to wear body armor that Dogmeat is already wearing. Additionally, it includes several customizations to the armor, including having it designed after Modern Military and Police K-9 armor. This mod comes with a companion, designed after the same type of armor used by these units, called the Fall of Giants. The mod is not compatible with the PC version of Dawn of the Ys. However, there is an official patch available from Obsidian Entertainment, which can be downloaded at the Obsidian website.

In addition to all this, it also comes with a unique German DPA Vest that features German stitching. There are also additional armor types that can be bought through the Internet. These include Tribal Arm, Hard Trousers, Tactical Vest, Camo Vest, and more. It doesn’t seem likely that this mod will ever reach the popularity of the original, but it does have its own fans. It will be interesting to see how many people become fans of it, because it is a unique, well-designed, and extremely durable armor. When it gets into the hands of real soldiers, it might become even more useful than the DICE armor.