Jumping Hero Lite APK

by anrosoft for Android 4.3

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A free program for Android, by anrosoft.

Jumping Hero is an Android based game developed by an indie developer.

Jumping Hero is an easy to play one-touch game that anyone can enjoy and have lots of fun.

The goal is to jump from one position to another to get the highest score.

As you progress through the game you will unlock new characters that will give you new abilities and you will be able to customize the way the game looks and sounds.

You will also have the option to change the sound of the background music and the sound effects.

There are over 40 different stages and over 40 unique worlds. Every world has a different look and feels and every stage has a different background music and sound effects.

You will also be able to unlock new abilities and you will be able to customize the way the game looks and sounds.

This is a Java, Android based eclipse project ( supported all platforms ) and "Position Jumping" Game for any android devices ( android phone, tablet and all others ).

This is a Java, Android based eclipse project ( supported all platforms ) and "Position Jumping" Game for any android devices ( android phone, tablet and all others ). It has three worlds and every worlds has three unique stages. Playing for jumping for a right position and earn the high position to earn more score.

Simple one touch controls and sound settings

Easy and funny to play for kids

More challenging for next stages as well as next world

Animated graphics and Sprites

Social sharing

Google analytic integration

Google Play Game Service ( Leaderboard, Achievement, Social, Scoring, ETC )

Supported all types of android devices



3 game stages.

Setting equalizer sounds and mute options.

Shopping options for hero and corresponding bullets.

3 stages and hero included (Animated sprite).

All sounds are included.

All sprites and characters are animated.

Google Play Game Service included.

Leaderboard and Achievement.

Supported all size of screen (Androids, Tabs, Android-TV, iOS, HTML5, Others) even dekstop ( Mac. Windows, Linux, Others ) and HD quality graphics.

Rate option & Share option.

Easy to controls.

If you need source of this game please contact via email : [email protected]

Thanks to All