Jill’s Vintage Apartment Posters

by Maxwellian01 and CrazyPotato for

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A free mod for Resident Evil 3 2020, by Maxwellian01 and CrazyPotato.

What is it?

Jill‘s Vintage Apartment Posters is a mod that displays posters from the early 80’s when Jill would have been growing up.

Why is it so important?

Jill is one of the most well-loved characters in the game. If you’re a fan of her, you probably have some posters or other things from your childhood. It is time we put these things on the wall, so I made this mod.

The idea is that you can add posters to your game and they will appear right in front of your eyes. They will appear as the game is loaded, so there is no need to download anything extra. The mod is easy to use, and it works for all the things I tried it with.