
by Zong Yongtao for iOS 16.4

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InstantSquare: Say goodbye to cropped photos on social media!

Don’t let social media apps crop ruin your pictures!! InstantSquare is an iPhone app that allows you to quickly upload your ENTIRE photo onto social media apps without cropping it into the square you’re forced to fit your picture in! With InstantSquare, you no longer have to decide who to crop out in group pictures or get frustrated trying to take pictures in a way that will fit on social media apps. Say goodbye to throwing out parts of your beautiful pictures!

InstantSquare offers a simple and efficient solution to the cropping problem. You can prepare your image in seconds, spending less time fussing with editing and more time shooting and sharing! The app also provides additional features such as adding text on photos, as well as the ability to add blur and colorful backgrounds to enhance your images. With InstantSquare, you can truly unleash your creativity and share your photos in their full glory on social media!