Injury on Face Photo Maker

by Utility Tools Inc for Android 13.0

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Injury on Face Photo Maker: Create Realistic Injury Effects with Ease

Injury on Face Photo Maker is a free Android app developed by Utility Tools Inc in the multimedia category with a focus on photography. With this app, you can easily create jaw-dropping fake injury effects on your photos, leaving people awestruck and worried. The app has an exclusive collection of dramatic and heart-falling injury effect ideas and stickers that help you create a realistic scar-filled injured face.

The app has an intuitive GUI that makes it easy to use and addictive. It comes with a professional image crop tool that accurately modifies the size of the image. You can implant the injury photo frame with thrilling text titles in vivid fonts and colors to make it more intense and expressive. Additionally, the app offers filter effects to enhance the appealing power of the injury, and awesome FX channels to create a professional fake injury photo. The app supports all types of screen resolutions of mobile and tablet devices. Once installed, no further internet connection is required.