Infusions for Serpentbone Blade and Treespear

by ME for

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A free mod for Elden Ring, by Me.

Infusions for Serpentbone Blade and Treespear is a mod for Elden Ring. It contains all the information about the Serpentbone Blade and Treespear and is the best source for both of them. Yet, neither can be infused into the game, and this is the reason why the game does not have an “Infusion” section.

With the addition of the missing scaling and damage values, it is now possible to modify the Ash of War on the weapons. The Heavy/Keen/Quality variations of Serpentbone Blade’s Standard infusion have been introduced as buffable variants, too.

Due to this, Treespear joins the Clayman’s Harpoon as an infusible weapon that deals non-physical damage. While Serpentbone Blade develops into a potent katana with a special strong attack and intrinsic deadly poison.