ImoMegane – Glasses Mod

by hangakin for Windows 10

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Age of Reckoning Havelis and Mage Robes Revamp

ImoMegane – Glasses is a wonderful new game mod for The Elder Scrolls V: Dragonborn. I have played the vanilla game before, but this game made me realize that there are a lot of interesting features I can benefit from when playing as a female character. I also realized that having glasses in my character’s inventory was a nice touch, since I can’t wear them while fighting or sneaking. ImoMegane – Glasses are the most compatible case mod that I’ve found for the original game, and it adds a lot of features and items that weren’t in the game before. I especially like how it adds new glasses, equipped with either color or glass type, to the player’s inventory.

I particularly like the Haijin of the Sunless faction, since I’m a fan of playing characters that aren’t evil, and I definitely enjoy the sunlight feature. I especially like using Haijin’s Sunless attribute, since it boosts my stealth detection, and lets me see all around me while sneaking, which allows me to get more information about what’s going on. However, I dislike the fact that I can’t remove the Sunless attribute while wearing the glasses, since it means that I have to put on the glasses to be able to use the Haijin’s sunless feature. This isn’t a big issue, however, since I tend to fight like a maniac without the sun. I’ll just switch back to wearing the outfit when I need to, and I’m fine.

I also really like the glass variant of ImoMegane – Glasses, because it gives me a good mix of visual benefits and functionality. I can use the perk to do damage without damaging the environment, and the outfit comes in so many styles that it would be impossible not to find something that you can wear to look your best in No Man’s Land. I especially like the new glass textures that encompass most of the robes, as they’re extremely detailed and realistic looking. I especially love the new outfit that accompanies the Hildreth, as it is entirely different from anything that I’ve seen before, and really adds to its appeal. I’m looking forward to spending more time playing through No Man’s Land, and getting into more of the lore surrounding Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning.