I don’t care about cookies – Firefox

by Daniel Kladnik for

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Say Goodbye to Pesky Cookie Warnings!

If asked what annoys you the most while browsing the internet, most of you would probably answer ads, followed by cookie-related warnings. Luckily for us, there are easy solutions to these internet monkeyshines. You can employ the services of an ad blocker for the first, while for the latter, you can rely on a browser add-on called I Don’t Care About Cookies. This handy security software created by Daniel Kladnik removes annoying cookie warnings that almost all websites send you whenever you browse online. A cross-browser extension, this app is unobtrusive yet highly efficient. It is very unassuming and can do its job without any type of user intervention. When you want smooth and uncluttered browsing, this app is, without a doubt, a must-have.

Forget About the Cookies

EU regulations impose that any website that uses tracking cookies must get the permission of the user before installing it. Now while it saves you from installing unwanted trackers, getting pop-up warnings every time you visit a website can be irritating. I Don’t Care About Cookies saves you from this endless clicking. By installing it in your browser, you will never need to see a warning every time you go online.

The app is highly unobtrusive and does not require user intervention for it to work. The only time you will work around the app after installation is when you enable or disable its context menu integration. But in the rare case that a website managed to slip through a cookie warning, you can just right-click the website, and click the Report a Cookie Warning option. By doing so, the app will prevent the website from sending you a cookie warning again.

All in all, I Don’t Care About Cookies is a highly recommended app for those who want uninterrupted surfing. However, users must note that this app does not block cookies, but merely removes the warning for them.