
by Lucerne Systems for Mac OS X

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Organize your personal finances

Horizon gives a nice twist to your personal finances by letting you manage them in a calendar view. Just enter your expenses or pays in the corresponding dates.

The left of the interface is used to create categories, to keep your entries organized. From the window pane on the right side you can carry out a number of simple calculations. The program will take into account all entries before the date you select on the calendar. You can also leave out categories. To make it easier, Horizon lets you schedule new entries at regular intervals, monthly or daily, for example.

The program has a very thorough intro video to get you started. It’s a shame that the quality is not excellent because otherwise it gives a very comprehensive view of the program. You also have a few sample files to get you started. Horizon may not be an advanced finance manager but it makes it more fun to organize your spendings.

Bug Fix: Delete first of a series deletes all members of the series in that month.Enhancement: Formula Bar now auto-expands to fit entered text.Enhancement: Gestures now recognized. Three finger horizontal swipes on trackpad move the calendar by months.


  • Bug Fix: Delete first of a series deletes all members of the series in that month.Enhancement: Formula Bar now auto-expands to fit entered text.Enhancement: Gestures now recognized. Three finger horizontal swipes on trackpad move the calendar by months.

You get paid every other week, your rent is due the end of the month, and your credit card bill has to be paid on the 15th of each month. You’ve also got other bills, savings and plans for the future.

How can you accomplish this? Using Horizon just click on a date, and enter an amount. A few simple clicks and keystrokes later and you’ll have a clear simple view of where your money comes from and where it is going. Change any value and all related values update automatically. You can hide and show different categories to focus on different aspects of your finances. You can move back and forward through time to see what things will be like next month, six months from now, or next year.