HobDrive OBD2 diag trip APK

by hobDrive for Android 9.0

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A free app for Android, by hobDrive.

HobDrive is a free application that lets you connect your ELM327 Bluetooth vehicle adapter to your Android or iOS device and use it for diagnosis and monitoring.

The application connects to your vehicle through the Bluetooth wireless connection and collects information about it, such as the make, model, engine, and other technical details.

HobDrive is designed to be compatible with the ELM327 Bluetooth vehicle adapter, but it can work with other Bluetooth devices that use the ELM327 sensor.

HobDrive works as a triangulation server for the ELM327, which means that it collects data from the device and sends it to the application, which then sends it to a third party service.

The service receives the data and provides a user-friendly interface for it.