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A free physics based action puzzler

Hellycopter is another physics based game, where over a series of levels you pilot a 2-dimensional helicopter around through mazes, saving, and sometimes killing, creatures.

The ‘Hellycopter’ is controlled with the keyboard, and needs a delicate touch to fly smoothly without crashing into things. The mouse is also utilized – to aim your gun, or your harpoon. With the gun you can blast enemy creatures, or knock over walls and other obstacles. The harpoon is useful for lifting things out of your way, or to carefully reach a creature you have to rescue.

Graphically, Hellycopter is quite attractive, although the colors are quite dark. The sound is nothing special, but not annoying. the difficulty is quite well balanced, as it’s a simple game, but gets gradually more challenging. The Thrust-style gravity affected Hellycopter works well, but like Thrust itself, means the game is quite slow, as you are forced to more as carefully and accurately as possible to succeed.

Hellycopter is a fun physics based game, that nicely combines action and puzzles.