HeavyMath StereoPic

by Riverpast for Windows 98 SE

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Create videos in 3D with two webcams

I don’t know about you but I much prefer to meet with people in the flesh rather than chat online with them. Of course, this isn’t always possible as many of your buddies may live in a different town or even a different country.

An interesting compromise between the two ways of conversing can be met by producing 3D video to broadcast to your friends and family.

In the past this was a tortuous process because you need to capture the same image from two different perspectives, then apply a colour filter to each before editing it together in a single sequence.

This can take a long time and relies on a lot of guesswork to get it right, so enter HeavyMath SteroPic to do the job for you with ease. Quite simply, you just set up two webcams, point them at yourself and hit ‘record’.

The application the does everything else for you, producing a pretty accurate 3D reproduction of yourself.

HeavyMath Cam 3D makes the process of creating 3D video easy. Instead of recording two videos, capturing each to individual files and process them, live video from two webcams are processed and merged into an anaglyph stereo video in real time.