Hazard Perception

by Deep River Development Ltd for

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Prepare for your UK Hazard Perception Test with Hazard Perception App

Hazard Perception is an iPhone application developed by Deep River Development Ltd. This app offers an easy-to-use platform to prepare for the UK Hazard Perception test. The app features 80 DVSA licensed (former DSA) hazard perception revision videos, which is far more than any other app. The app offers a real test experience with DVSA licensed test videos and unique custom-made videos that provide a comprehensive understanding of the test.

The app’s main advantage over competitors is its anti-cheating mechanism, which checks whether your clicking style has the potential to be judged as inappropriate by the DVSA. The app is extremely easy to use, and you can select any number of videos for your practice test. Additionally, the app provides comprehensive statistics on your average score and the number of clicks during your last attempt.

Hazard Perception app also offers a hazard perception test overview, which provides useful information about the test, helping you to better understand what to do and how to succeed. Overall, this is a great app for those preparing for the UK Hazard Perception test.