Harry Potter Spells (U11)

by braxton3300 for

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A free mod for Blade & Sorcery, by braxton3300.

There is an app called Harry Potter Spells (U11). This app has details of every spell that is mentioned in the books and films. The user interface is very simple, with just a few buttons and a textbox.

To find out what the spells are, you have to open the Wands folder. The first thing you will see is the Wands section. This is the section where the magic wand is located.

For every wand, you have to enter the type of wand, its power, and its element. The element of the wand is the most important part of the spell. This is the part that affects the target. If you want to know more about the element, click on the element name.

The power of the spell is the ability to affect the targets. If you want to learn more about the power, click on the power name.

The user interface of the app is simple and easy to use.