Halloween Photo stickers

by Palmera Labs for Android 13.0

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A free app for Android, by Palmera Labs.

Halloween is a night of horror and terror, and the most frightening night of the year!

The night of terror begins with the announcement of the evil monsters that will roam the earth during the night. To protect yourself from these monsters, you must stay in your house and close all the doors. But you must know that the monsters are not afraid of the light and they will come for you even if you are in a bright room. So, be prepared to meet an evil monster or two in the dark shadows of the night.

This app has a collection of various Halloween stickers that can be used for making awesome Halloween postcards.

How to use the app:

1. Check the sticker category you want to use

2. Select a photo or picture from your gallery or take a photo at the moment

3. You can also select a photo from the camera roll

4. Now, you can edit the photo with the stickers