Halide Mark II – Pro Camera

by Chroma Noir LLC for iOS 12.1.2

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A more professional way of taking photos with your Smartphone

Halide is a piece of software that you download into your Smartphone that enables you to take professional photos. It was designed to allow you to more easily and professionally set up a shot. It is not for taking snapshots, it is for thoughtful and planned photographs. Launch it, and it allows you to take photographs in a more professional manner by giving you more control over the shot.

A gesture-based interface

Instead of using your current camera software that keys into a focus area and allows you to take a snapshot, the Halide software has a gesture-based interface that allows you to set things such as focus peak and white balance. It gives you full manual control over things such as exposure, white balance, focus and ISO. You may capture JPG shots for web-ready photos, or you may capture RAW shots that you may work on later with photo-shopping and photo-editing software. If you fancy using the automatic mode, then it is suitable for a number of different shots, including typical snapshots.

Customize your controls

The Halide app is more suitable for people who have experience with photography because many of the tools allow you to take manual control over your shots in a way that lay people may not be able to appreciate. You may even customize your controls so that you may set up shots in the manner you prefer without having to go through all the tedious settings prior to taking your photograph.