The GoodDollar (G$) Wallet
The GoodDollar (G$) Wallet is a digital utility that offers the freedom to receive and accumulate daily and weekly interest payments from GoodDollar. It’s a wallet that makes interest for you, and the interest you receive can be used to make payments directly to you. Your interest earnings and other fees are deducted from your money and reinvested in the GoodDollar network. Every dollar earned for you is a dollar less that you have to spend, and every dollar you receive makes you a dollar richer.
Here are just some of the things the GoodDollar Wallet can do:
Earn digital UBI every day by staking G$ coins in the GoodDollar network – receive interest payments every day and keep your G$ safe in your wallet
Claim G$ with a unique link to your wallet.
Earn and be paid interest on your G$ every day.