Futuristic GUI Watch Face APK

by thema for Android 13.0

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Futuristic GUI Watch Face: A Wear OS Watch Face Review

Futuristic GUI Watch Face is a watch face designed for Wear OS that offers a range of features to enhance the user experience. This watch face is not compatible with Samsung Gear S2/S3/Galaxy Watch. It has a circular animation in interactive mode and allows you to choose design colors, display day and month, and monitor your watch and mobile battery. It also displays weather, daily step count, heartbeat frequency, unread SMS, unread email from Gmail, and missed calls. The watch face has an option to set your own title in place of “FUTURISTIC” and choose between European/US date. It also has an option to choose between 2 weather providers (Yr & OpenWeatherMap). The watch face has free and premium settings that allow you to customize the watch face to your preferences.