Full Metal Furies

by Cellar Door Games for Windows 7

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Cooperative Role-Playing Game for Personal Computers

Full Metal Furies is a role-playing game based upon the strategic cooperation of other players. This unique aspect of team play will lead to epic battles and unpredictable outcomes.

Main Features and Gameplay

Full Metal Furies is based around the concept of team cooperation. In other words, each virtual player is important and it is only through a mutual effort that victory will ultimately be achieved. Up to four participants can play at the same time and this is a great way to include friends within a competition. However, there is also a solo system known as “Pick Two Quick-Switch” which provides all of the thrills of a multiplayer match. This game can be played in both online and offline modes if desired.

A Fun Game for All Ages

Full Metal Furies boasts entertaining graphics and detailed gameplay. It is therefore perfectly suited for all age groups. The strengths and skills of all characters are highlighted, so it is quite easy to form a strategy when playing with friends. This game was first released on 17 January 2018 and further updates are expected.