Fortora Fresh Finance

by Fortora for Windows 7

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Get a daily overview of your finances

Fortora Fresh Finance is destined for those of you looking to manage their money. The application allows you to get a daily overview of your finances and stay in control of upcoming expenses.

I enjoyed how the personal finance program guided me through the setup process, from the addition of multiple accounts, to the setting up of a budget and finally preparing reminders. Once all this is done, you get an overview of your balance and can see what upcoming expenses are in store. From the left side of the interface you can quickly reach sections like payees, budget or accounts.

Elements in Fortora Fresh Finance are displayed in a tree view, which is great to isolate and focus on one account or budget, however lacks a bit of flexibility.

I liked the number of detailed reports the application can generate though: cash flow, income and expenses and an expenses chart are the basic but necessary graphs you’ll need to look at to make sure your finances are healthy.

It’s a shame the program only imports documents in QIF format, and I sometimes feel the application gets a little cluttered, but on the whole, Fortora Fresh Finance will give you a clear overview of the state of your finances.

Improved database, various fixes/enhancements.


  • Improved database, various fixes/enhancements.