Forever Young

by newpaladinx333 for

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A free mod for Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord, by newpaladinx333.

When a player’s character reaches the age of 25, they will become younger. This is a permanent change and will not change the character’s appearance.

Why is this mod needed?

The game does not allow you to make your character younger. This is the only way to prevent them from getting old and dying.

This is not an official game mod and is not affiliated with the game developers in any way. It is a third-party mod that is designed to be compatible with other mods.

How can I install it?

Download the latest version of the game and open it. You will need to enable the developer’s service. You can do that by opening the Settings menu and checking the box next to ‘Enable developer services’.

After that, open the “Install” tab. You will see a list of available mods. Click on the one you want to install and click the “Install” button. You will be able to download and install it.