Folds of a Separation

by Studio Oleomingus for Windows 8.1

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Beautifully intricate puzzle game

Folds of a Separation is a free puzzle game from indie developer Studio Oleomingus. In it, players navigate a maze-like structure of folds comprising a peculiar flooding city. They will have to figure out how to get from one side to the next through visual illusions and obscured viewpoints.

Just like Monument Valley or Engare, there is a certain quality to Folds of a Separation that bridges that gap between video games and art. Its world is a mix of strange fixtures with vibrant puzzles devised with mathematical precision that has to be seen to be appreciated.

Beautifully intricate

Folding puzzles are some of the most intricate forms of problems you can attempt to solve that require not just acute thinking, but also shifting perspectives. Folds of a Separation is a prime example that takes the concept up a notch with its strange and intricately designed world. One would go so far as to say it draws inspiration from the meditative ritual of creating a mandala.

In this game you are presented with a series of mazes that connect two sides of the board. You will enter the city from the left side and navigate your way out over to the right. The screen is split in half, and each side has two possible layouts you can switch between. Match multiple possible paths to figure out which one leads to the exit.

Essentially, you will be juggling up to four panels at any given time, which will provide a fair bit of challenge to even the most veteran of puzzle solvers. In the same vein, though, newcomers to these types of games will encounter a rather steep difficulty curve that will require some time to get used to. For one as beautifully made as this, it’s worth it.

Simply outstanding

Overall, Folds of a Separation is a brilliant puzzle game that fans of the genre, even those that are not, can and should try out. It’s beautifully designed, features unique gameplay, and offers a nice challenge to those who are looking for it. It won’t be easy, and it’s not meant to be, but it is well worth learning and experiencing.