Flower Blast APK

by ISuperGames for Android 9.0

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A free app for Android, by ISuperGames.

Do you love beautiful flowers? Do you love delicious food? Are you fond of puzzles? Are you looking for a fun way to relax and spend some time away from your stressful daily life? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then you are going to love this game!

Flower Blast is a puzzle game where you have to take care of a garden. The garden has many different types of flowers and plants and you have to take care of them to make them grow and to get more food for them.

You have to use your skills and knowledge to feed and care for the plants. The more food they have, the more they will grow and the more they will give you.

It is a real challenge to take care of all the different types of flowers and plants and to make them grow.