Flick Gaelic Football APK

by FlickHurling1 for Android 13.0

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A free app for Android, by FlickHurling1.

The Flick Gaelic Football app is the perfect way to play for fun or practice. Whether you’re just starting or a seasoned player, there’s no better way to improve your game than to play with the guys in your neighborhood or on the Internet.

How to play

1. Download the app on your mobile phone.

2. Select the mode you want to play (either one or three lives).

3. Flick the ball to the target.

4. If you miss the target, you’re out of luck.

5. When you reach the target, your life is finished.

6. The game ends when one of the players has less than three lives.


 The more accurately you flick the ball, the more points you get. Try to get the highest score on the leaderboard.