Flashlight HD: Emergency Bright Light in Darkness

by Expert Games Lab for Android 13.0

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Free LED Flashlight App

What is the flashlight?

This free LED flashlight app helps you in low light situations to illuminate and guide your way in order to find the next available exit.

The flashlight is a device that converts the ordinary LED into a flash device and it can be used to light up your surroundings.

How to use the app

1. Open the Flashlight

2. It will pop up.

3. Choose the mode

4. It will change

5. Tap the button to stop the flash

6. To turn it off, tap the button to turn it on again.

To turn it off, tap the button.

It is a useful app and it works as expected.

How can I use it?

. Tap the button to turn on and off the flashlight.

2. You can also turn it on and off from your notification bar. It has a sos flash light, bright torchlight, and other modes.