FIFA Player App

by FIFA for iOS 16.4

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Performance tracking for FIFA World Cup players

FIFA Player App is a free sports app developed by FIFA that aims to provide participants in the World Cup with accurate and up-to-date information regarding their player statistics and performance. It’s an easy way for both individual players and teams to monitor their movements soon after each match.

FIFA Player App is an exclusive, one-of-a-kind app provided by FIFA organizers for competitors. It’s important to note that you will need to use an official account in order to log into the app, so it is not readily available to the general public. 

What can it do?

The FIFA Player App is capable of providing physical performance metrics with the help of a tracking system made up of numerous cameras stationed around the event’s venue. You can also view video replays from a number of different camera angles. The available data is synced with these videos, as well, so you can better visualize your performance and compare it with the provided metrics.

Players can also view a breakdown of their performance, including charts and pie graphs displaying their success rates, speed zones, and goal attempts to name a few. All of the metrics are observed by a team of analysts to allow you to receive unbiased and accurate statistics. You also have full access to a series of action photographs taken during the games.

All of the data found in the app will become available as soon as each match ends. Keep in mind, though, that the app only supports individual statistics. This means that you cannot view data for your team as a whole, which can make it a little more difficult to compare everyone’s performances when strategizing. However, you can still access event data through the FIFA Football Data Platform.

A necessary tool for players

With a detailed analysis of each play you make during a match, as well as high-quality footage that you can watch from various angles, FIFA Player App is something participants of the World Cup can greatly benefit from. While it does lack support for team analysis within the app, the personal performance review is extensive enough to give you a good idea of how well you did during a game.