
by PCWinSoft Systems Ltd for

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Efficient and user-friendly software to burn CDs and DVDs

EZBurner is a quick and efficient means to transfer data from CDs, Blu-ray discs and DVDs onto a computer. An extremely user-friendly design is ideal for anyone who does not wish to use more complicated platforms such as Burnaware or Cheetah. It is also possible to save and burn ISO images directly onto a hard disk drive. This package is meant for personal computers.

Features and Usability

EZBurner boasts a very simple layout. It provides all data within a traditional format. Key metrics such as audio, video and data streams are presented by drop-down menus at the top of the page. Once a CD or DVD is inserted into the appropriate drive, the user will simply highlight the selected path or choose the ‘add files’ option. The burner then begins automatically. Another handy feature is that a progress bar is provided at the bottom of the screen. Thus, it is possible to calculate the remaining time required.

Other Options

There is another option to burn audio CDs, a useful tool when creating musical mixes. Entire folders may be added and their contents can be addressed as may be necessary. Users have the ability to abort the burn process during any time in the event that an error occurs.