Exif Notes APK

by Tommi Hirvonen for Android 13.0

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Exif Notes: An App for Film Photographers

Exif Notes is a free Android app developed by Tommi Hirvonen for film photographers. The app allows you to save important notes and exif data while shooting with film. You can add frequently used camera bodies and lenses to your database and select them when adding new rolls of film and new frames. When adding new frames, you can save information such as time taken, lens used, shutter speed, aperture, location, and custom notes.

Exif Notes also allows you to export ExifTool commands for specific film rolls, which you can upload to Dropbox and download on your computer. You can also save the exif data to your scanned files on your computer using ExifTool by Phil Harvey and the ready-made commands. Additionally, you can export a roll’s data in .csv format and view it in a spreadsheet program like Excel. Exif Notes is a hobby project that is continuously being improved with new features. The app is designed to be fast, easy to use, and easy on the eyes, and it complies with Material Design while being compatible with most Android devices.

However, if you encounter any bugs or have any feature requests, you can create an issue in the project repository on GitHub. Feedback is welcome and appreciated.