Evolve: Self-Care Meditation

by Evolve - Meditation made joyful for Android 13.0

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Evolve – A Self-Care App for the LGBTQ Community

This application helps relieve the symptoms of anxiety and depression and is specifically designed to help the LGBTQ Community.

We live in a world where technology is more advanced than ever. Our phones are always with us, even when we sleep. We never escape from our constant stream of messages, calls, emails and whatnot, which in turn may contribute to mental discomfort of a person.

Evolve: Self-Care & Meditation is a specialized platform to help people struggling with depression and anxiety.

We are all human, and we all have issues. The difference is that most people will keep those issues a secret, while there are those who can courageously seek help. We have developed an application that will help them to do so. This app offers them self-care tools whenever they feel depressed or anxious.

This is a platform where the LGBTQ community can be the best version of themselves.