Enhanced Character Edit SE Mod

by ECE team for Windows 10

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Free body enhancement mod

Enhanced Character Edit SE is a free body modification mod for Skyrim Special Edition that adds new items and races for character creation. You’ll find new color and expression sliders to improve facial features, while some mesh symmetries have fixes. When combining buttons, you can alter the field of view or camera angles.

While there are some version requirements to run the mod, you can install and use Enhanced Character Edit SE immediately. Before you exit the menu, you can save the face you created to a new slot, but you should note it’s not compatible with RaceMenu. For other body enhancement mods, you can try KS Hairdos – Unisex Patch, Katie’s Khajiit Overhaul Male Head Preset, The Eyes Of Beauty, and Through The Eyes of Insanity.

New facial features

When it comes to creating characters, Enhanced Character Edit SE adds several new items you can try. There are new eyebrows, freckles, moles, vampire faces, and more. You’ll also find a wide array of skin tones to apply to your character, irrespective of race. If you don’t like a change you made, there’s an undo/redo function in the panel.

Vertex editing

To add further enhancement to character editing, you can work on specific vertexes on facial meshes. There’s a UV map to apply, while interpolations link to various modes. By pressing a button, you can start and stop animations to see how the changes apply. 

A new race

Besides all the visual changes, there’s also a new race you can create for Skyrim. Called the YgNord, there are specific folder and texture requirements to get it to work. The stats and abilities are similar to the in-game Nord race, while it’s mostly an aesthetic change. They also have younger appearances

Changing your appearance

Enhanced Character Edit SE brings new visual improvements to Skyrim Special Editions, specifically where the characters are concerned. You’ll need the latest game and launch versions of Skyrim and SKSE64 for it to work properly, or the meshes might behavior incorrectly.

While there are no other requirements, there’s a massive list of other mods that need  Enhanced Character Edit SE. It shows how popular it is, and you might find it essential.