Manage your PC intelligently with Ellp
Modern computers and mobile devices perform a vast range of functions, from helping you keep track of your calendar to storing your photographs, but managing them can be challenging, requiring lots of separate interactions with the device. Ellp simplifies this process, combining many features into a single app that lets you intelligently manage any PC. With this app, you can customize your device’s behavior so that it runs the way you want it to automatically.
The secret is in the cards
The heart of Ellp is the card system. A card is a simple rule that governs the device’s behavior. For instance, one card might say “when it’s time for bed, mute the sound.” This allows you to specify a particular time at which your device will turn off its speakers. You could also tell it to open a particular website every time you start it up or open your music player every time you plug in your headphones.
It can interact with other apps -for instance, you can tell it to automatically download a copy of a Facebook photo that you’re tagged in, and save it in a particular folder. Features range from the general, such as activating online privacy software, to the very specific, such as the card that allows you to automatically delete any file you’ve downloaded twice.
Simplifying your device management
The clean, colorful card layouts make it easy to identify each one’s task at a glance. They’re also helpfully sorted into categories covering general subjects like power use, storage, performance, security and more. Once you’ve been through the cards in a given category, you’ll have your settings in that area customized just the way you like them. You don’t need to automate every task; you can simply leave cards switched off if you’d prefer to manage a particular feature manually.
You’ll find your device performance improving as the app identifies settings you didn’t even know you could control that will save on memory and processing power. A lot of frustrating minor adjustments and repetitive tasks simply disappear when you start using this app; for instance, you’ll never find yourself suddenly realizing you’re out of storage space again. It runs comfortably in the background, occasionally popping up to let you know it’s doing something.
An easy way to control varied device functions
If going through your startup routine every day is a hassle, or if you find yourself changing your device settings frequently, Ellp can be a great help. If you’re a user who doesn’t find managing device settings a pain, it might be less useful -but you could still find that there are things you don’t know you’d benefit from.
The interface is clean, attractive and easy to use; with a little assistance, even younger device users could probably make sense of it. Overall, then, this is a handy tool for taking some of the hassle out of day-to-day device management tasks.
Ellp™ is a new PC tool that lets you automate your routine with a flip of a switch.
Ellp™ is a new, free PC tool that lets you automate your daily routine with a flip of a switch, in order to boost your productivity, maintain high performance and security, and revel in entertainment. Ellp integrates everything you do on your PC in a one go-to place, so you don’t have to waste time with repetitive and frustrating tasks. Ellp’s heart and soul are the Ellp cards. You can flip through and select from a vast variety of cards, including: ‘When my email is involved in a data breach, alert me’, ‘When I get disconnected from the Internet, alert me’, ‘When I download the same file twice, let me know’, ‘When an application is slowing down my PC startup, alert me’, ‘When it’s time, give me a weather update’, ‘When I plug in my headphones, open YouTube’ and much more. Currently, there are over 30 cards, and counting, as new cards are constantly being developed, to enhance your Ellp experience and simplify your life. Its clean, colorful card layout allows you to identify and choose the actions you want to automate. Each card has a trigger accompanied by a corresponding action. For instance, if you’d like to monitor the amount of time you’re spending on Facebook, just select the ‘When I’m spending too much time on Facebook, ping me’ card, and using Ellp’s simple editor choose the time limit that’s right for you. Then switch the activation toggle ‘On’ once, and from then onwards Ellp will ping you back to work. Once your cards are set and activated you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that Ellp will handle all the rest for you. Ellp will run silently in the background only alerting you when an action is required from your side. You don’t need to activate all the cards, you can simply switch on those that appeal more to you, and optimize according to your preferences by accessing the ‘My Cards’ tab. You’ll see that with Ellp, automating is flexible, fun and a real time-saver, allowing you to focus on what really matters most.