Echofon for Mac

by Naan for Mac OS X

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Sleek, impressive Twitter client for OSX

If you’ve used Firefox extension Echofon (formerly Twitterfox), you’ll know it’s a really useful and efficient way of keeping up with your Twitter accounts.

Now developers Naan have brought it to your Apple OSX, in the form of Echofon for Mac. Currently it’s a beta release, but does it do anything significantly better than its Firefox-based cousin?

Many desktop Twitter clients are, to be honest, too big, resource heavy and unwieldy. Echofon the extension gives users an almost complete Twitter experience without leaving Firefox – Echofon for Mac therefore needs to be pretty neat.

Thankfully, Echofon for Mac is a sleek, effective application. At first glance it looks almost identical to the Firefox extension, but as you use it, its extended features reveal themselves, and make it quite a package.

You can now view user profiles, which slide out in a side panel. You can search twitter too. One really smart feature is being able to drag images into Echofon for Mac, which are automatically uploaded to Twitpic, ready to tweet.

It’s intuitive and really simple, which sums up Echofon for Mac in general – a fantastic Twitter client.

If you need more features than the Firefox extension, Echofon for Mac is a fantastic desktop option for OSX.

Fixed minor bugs


  • Fixed minor bugs
