Easy to Study Bible

by Bíblias for Android 9.0

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A free app for Android, by Bíblias.

It is an app that will help you study the Bible and learn about the different books, chapters, and verses. We have included a guide that will help you understand what you are reading and we have included a dictionary to help you understand the words that you do not know.

The Bible is the central religious text of Christianity, and it is used as the primary source of religious law and ethical conduct in many of the world’s religions.

The word Bible comes from the Greek word BIBLE, which means “the books.” The books contained in the Bible include the books of the Old Testament and the books of the New Testament.

The Old Testament contains the stories of the creation of the world, the Noahite flood, the life of Noah, the Tower of Babel, the story of Abraham and Sarah, the birth of Jesus, the Garden of Gethsemane, the trial and crucifixion of Jesus, and his resurrection.

The New Testament contains the stories of the birth of Jesus, his life, his miracles, his teaching, his trials, and his resurrection.

The word Bible also refers to the collection of religious texts that now form the basis of the religion called Christianity.