Easy Calculator – Basic Calc

by MobArts Ltd for iOS 12.1.2

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Easy Calculator – Basic Calc Review

Easy Calculator – Basic Calc is an iPhone app developed by MobArts Ltd. It is a full version calculator app that falls under the Utilities & Tools category. The app has a beautiful, high-definition graphical interface with multiple skins to choose from. It also supports iOS11 multitasking on iPad devices, including Split View and Slide Over features.

The app has all the basic functions of a calculator, including adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, and square-rooting. It also has standard memory functions, such as Memory Addition, Memory Subtraction, Memory Recall, and Memory Clear. Additionally, the app has a thousands separators option and can handle very large numbers, up to 60 digits, without displaying in scientific notation.

The buttons on the app are large and easy to press, and there are Copy/Paste buttons for convenience. The app also has a key click sound effect. Finally, the user interface is available in several languages, including English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, Chinese (simplified and traditional), Dutch, Norwegian, Danish, Korean, Turkish, Indonesian, Finnish, Swedish, Greek, Polish, Czech, Hungarian, Slovak, and Bulgarian.

Overall, Easy Calculator – Basic Calc is a great app for people who need a basic calculator with a beautiful user interface and additional features.